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Your Healing Place Denver - - 303.636.0000 Healing With Acupuncture with Dr. Mark Carney: Acupuncture & Hip Pain Hi, I'm Dr. Mark Carney. I'm a naturopathic doctor and an acupuncturist with a family practice in Denver, Colorado called Your Healing Place. People often ask, "What is acupuncture?" Acupuncture is one part of Chinese medicine. Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years. Acupuncture is based on the concept of Qi and Qi means energy. The Qi is flowing through our body in rivers that are called meridians in Chinese medicine. Basically, what acupuncture is doing is inserting needles at different points of these meridians to flip open and closed valves to regulate the flow of the energy of the Qi. The acupuncture needles are so tiny that they are bendable. They are almost the thickness of a human hair. So that's acupuncture. Let's talk about hip pain. The area that's referred to as the hip is often misunderstood. Most people think that their hip is located when they put their hands on their sides, but really, the hip is the area that is on the side of the leg, and that's part of the leg bone otherwise known as the greater trochanter of the femur. When this area hurts, it is excruciating sometimes and debilitating, and it can interfere with people's ability to walk or even sit. Oftentimes this pain is often due to either nerves that are getting impinged upon, or muscles that are being pulled or tight, and sometimes it can be originating from the bone itself. When we use acupuncture to help hip pain, we've found that we're most successful when we use a combination of points located right along the area of the pain, in conjunction with points such as along the shoulder or even down near the ankle. In this way, the acupuncture is balancing out the flow of energy to the area where the person is experiencing the pain. If you or a loved one is suffering from this condition, then I strongly encourage you to contact our office because we have had amazing success helping people who have this condition. To find out more information about our services or to learn about our monthly specials, please visit our website or call our office. Thank you. Your Healing Place 7120 E. Hampden Ave., Suite B Denver, CO 80224 303-636-0000 Your Healing Place is a holistic integrative wellness center. We cater to the health needs of men, women and children of all ages in the Denver area. Whether you are experiencing challenges during a pregnancy, have some low back pain, or you just want advice on how to be healthier we can help you. We provide natural and alternative health care and use many different tools such as: Natural Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine, Gentle Chiropractic Care, Craniosacral Therapy, Network Spinal Analysis, Acupuncture, Physical Therapy for the Spine, Massage Therapy, Chinese Medicine, Herbal Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine, Weight Loss Support, Nutritional Counseling, Cleansing and Detoxification and Pediatrics. Give us a call and we can tell you which one of our practitioners would be right for you!
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