duminică, 31 martie 2019

Amla Berry decimates Cancer, Best Vitamin C Sources

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Amla berry, also known as Indian Gooseberry has been scientifically shown to decimate cancers like lung cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer and colon cancer also known as colorectal cancer. It is one of the highest sources of natural vitamin C. Other herbal sources include gubinge kakadu plum, acerola berry, pine needles and guava , which are many times higher than citrus like oranges, lime and lemon. The best highest safest sources of vitamin c are natural herbal sources, not synthetic vitamin c. Wild Force Markus vitamin C combines all the highest herbal sources and is one of the highest natural siurces of vitamin c in the world. Find out more at http://www.markusvitaminC.com For interesting natural health videos and newsletters, be sure to check out http://www.MarkusNews.com http://www.MarkusVitaminC.com Scientific studies: https://youtu.be/49PMkTQJLKo https://nutritionfacts.org/2012/01/17/amla-indian-gooseberries-versus-cancer-diabetes-and-cholesterol/ Amla (Emblica officinalis Gaertn), a wonder berry in the treatment and prevention of cancer https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21317655 Antitumor and cancer-death effects of Amla Berry https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20812284 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378874100003780 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11297836 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1191/0960327104ht484oa Our Raw Vegan Health Cookbook: http://www.HealthyCookbook.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markus.rothkranz.7 Videos and articles: http://www.MarkusNews.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/markusandcara/ Markus Rothkranz website: http://www.MarkusRothkranz.com Markus Products: http://www.HealAnything.com Markus Products: http://www.MarkusProducts.com German website: http://www.MarkusRothkranz.de

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