duminică, 31 martie 2019

山本耀司時裝哲學 Yohji Yamamoto│Dressmaker

https://bit.ly/2UsmECo Enter to see the secret sale page at SvMoscow.
《山本耀司時裝哲學》細膩描繪日本時裝大師山本耀司的生涯和作品,深入了解這位叱咤風雲40年、號稱「黑色詩人」的73歲傳奇工匠不為人知的時裝哲學。 山本耀司將揭開他的神秘面紗,讓觀眾探索他最隱秘的想法,電影將剖析他的藝術世界和創作過程,並從大師的角度探討流行時尚的大方向。電影亦會走訪他的母親、員工和知己密友,進一步窺探這位日本時裝大師的叛逆人生,以及服裝背後所追求的核心價值。 Yohji Yamamoto | Dressmaker is an intimate portrait of the life and work of Yohji Yamamoto, one of the most influential and enigmatic fashion designers of the last forty years. The film sets out to discover and uncover the many layers of the man, delving into the fascinatingly complex life story of this iconic 73 year-old Japanese craftsman who is named as the "the poet of black". Yamamoto invites the viewer behind the curtain and explores his most private and intimate thoughts. The film sheds light on his artistic approach and creative working process, contrasting them directly with how he sees the "Fashion" industry today. Yamamoto opens up like never before, shares his deepest insights into his personal life journey. Interviews with key figures – family, friends, employees and closest confidants – provide even more insight into this Japanese artist's life journey and the core values that he and his clothing embody. 門票現已公開發售Tickets are now available: www.metroplex.com.hk

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